
Laurel has been Guiding and Coaching her Clients through life's situations for over 30 years with astounding results.
Fraught with giggling, guffawing and snorting, her fun, loving and sensitive approach makes her a GREAT coach for kids and adults alike! Additionally, sometimes she knows you need to listen to your fellow Coaches and Clients when they tell you .... "GET YOUR INTUITIVE SESSIONS GOING!!!"
And so, Laurel paid attention and tra la la ... here we are - LOL!
I am Sam (she/her/hers) and I am babyREADY. I have been working with families as they grow and change, since 1998. I am the mother of two amazing men, step-mom to a great teenager and wife to the most wonderful woman. My work is now focused primarily within the LGBTQ+ community and through pre-conception, pregnancy, birth, & postpartum information and support services. It is my goal to make every experience the best it can be.

Our Mission
Since time immemorial women (and those assigned female at birth [AFAB]) have been lead to believe they are less than their male peers. Sometimes this message is conveyed in an overt manner; pay inequities, promotion overlooks, underrepresentation in government, restricting the right to vote for centuries, and SO much more! This podcast will not shy away from addressing all kinds of topics related to the power of women and transwomen as well as discussing physiologic topics that impact the health and well-being of all people who were AFAB. This includes spending time speaking with care providers who can tell us more about how our bodies and how medicine has spent the majority of its research money studying the male body and assigning treatments to women using a male model - to our detriment.